Dear EndoMune subscribers,
Now that we are enjoying the beauty of the spring days, we really don’t want to be slowed down by any GI issues. The following real case report describes how EndoMune can make a positive difference in your health this season:
Case Study: Constrained By Constipation
Karen, a 34-year old corporate executive, saw her primary care physician due to a problem of constipation. Karen had a longstanding history of difficulty with normal stool habits. She had tried a variety of diets and laxatives with no real improvement.
A comprehensive gastroenterological evaluation did not reveal any abnormality. She was told that her problem was due to “irritable bowel syndrome.”
The physician recommended a high fiber diet, stool softeners and exercise.
Karen continued to have problems with bloating, distention and constipation. Her GI issues made it hard for her to function at work. Enjoying outdoor activities like hiking and biking with her family were difficult.
Karen read about probiotics and decided to try EndoMune.
After one week of therapy, Karen’s constipation markedly improved. She was so delighted with the results that she emailed to let me know how EndoMune had made such a difference in her life.
The Discomfort of Constipation
After reading the case report, it is apparent that this month’s newsletter is about how probiotics can ease the problem of constipation.
Constipation is a common condition affecting children and adults. In the vast majority of cases, no underlying natural cause is found and functional constipation or “irritable bowel syndrome” is diagnosed.
Did you know that:
Constipation is medically defined as less than 3 stools per week and associated with straining1
Constipation is one of the most common GI disorders in clinical practice
Approximately 20% of the general population suffers from chronic constipation during their lifetime
Childhood constipation accounts for 3-5% of all visits to pediatricians2
Approximately 70-80% of nursing home residents have constipation3
Finding Relief
In the last 5-6 years, there have been a number of medical studies evaluating whether probiotics can improve constipation and associated symptoms. Not all of them have shown benefit.
I have listed the results of some of the most well done studies:
In 2011, Guerra et al4 reported the results of a study involving 59 children suffering with constipation. Over a 10-week period, the group receiving probiotics had significant improvement in stool frequency, consistency and less abdominal pain.
In 2011, Waller et al5 published a study done on 100 adults with chronic constipation. The group receiving probiotics for 14 days had significantly improved stool frequency and decreased abdominal symptoms compared to the control group.
In 2010, Hyang et al6 reported the results of a clinical study using probiotics in a group of nursing home patients. After 2 weeks of therapy, there was a significant improvement in frequency and consistency of the stools.
In addition to improving GI function, there were no adverse side effects associated with the use of probiotics in these medical studies. This is a very important and unique benefit of probiotic use when compared to other constipation therapies.
How probiotics improve intestinal function is being actively researched by medical experts. Studies7 have found that the bacterial flora in constipated individuals is different than in individuals with regular bowel movements in that they lack the ability to produce beneficial fermented products that enhance intestinal function. Adding probiotics reestablishes a healthy intestinal flora resulting in improved intestinal activity.
Take Home Message
If you struggle with GI issues, consider adding EndoMune to your daily regimen and enjoy these beautiful spring days comfortably!
Eat healthy, exercise and take EndoMune!
Best Wishes,
Lawrence Hoberman MD
1) Epidemiology of constipation in North America: a systematic review.Higgins PD, Johanson JF.Am J Gastroenterol. 2004 Apr;99(4):750-9. Review
2) Epidemiology of childhood constipation: a systematic review.van den Berg MM, Benninga MA, Di Lorenzo C.Am J Gastroenterol. 2006 Oct;101(10):2401-9. Review.
3) Chronic Constipation in the Elderly free Juan F Gallegos-Orozco, Amy E Foxx-Orenstein, Susan M Sterler & Jean M StoaThe American Journal of Gastroenterology 107, 18-25
4) Pediatric functional constipation treatment with Bifidobacterium-containing yogurt: a crossover, double-blind,controlled trial.Guerra PV, Lima LN, Souza TC, Mazochi V, Penna FJ, Silva AM, Nicoli JR, Guimarães EV.World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Sep 14;17(34):3916-21.
5) Dose-response effect of Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 on whole gut transit time and functional gastrointestinal symptoms in adults.Waller PA, Gopal PK, Leyer GJ, Ouwehand AC, Reifer C, Stewart ME, Miller LE.Scand J Gastroenterol. 2011 Sep;46(9):1057-64. Epub 2011 Jun 13.
6) Efficacy of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) supplement in management of constipation among nursing home residents.An HM, Baek EH, Jang S, Lee do K, Kim MJ, Kim JR, Lee KO, Park JG, Ha NJ.Nutr J. 2010 Feb 5;9:5.
7) Functional dysbiosis within the gut microbiota of patients with constipated-irritable bowel syndrome (pages 828–838) C. Chassard, M. Dapoigny, K. P. Scott, L. Crouzet, C. Del’homme, P. Marquet, J. C. Martin, G. Pickering, D. Ardid, A. Eschalier, C. Dubray, H. J. Flint and A. Bernalier-DonadilleAlimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 03/19/2012